With with sensor informing the errand end definitely, I know exchange time. I can take notes vividly well till the last without being able to graze it like a direct liquid type. Removal characteristics stable by development of the new ink (I pass through a drawn line good after time). A durable high pen core. I use a round wick and a corner core properly to a use and am possible. Eco mark certified products Green purchase method conformity product Weight: 19.2 g The cartridge type which I can easily repack. Writing linewidth: 4.7mm
With with sensor informing the errand end definitely, I know exchange time.
I can take notes vividly well till the last without being able to graze it like a direct liquid type.
Removal characteristics stable by development of the new ink (I pass through a drawn line good after time).
A durable high pen core. I use a round wick and a corner core properly to a use and am possible.
Eco mark certified products
Green purchase method conformity product
Weight: 19.2 g
The cartridge type which I can easily repack.
Writing linewidth: 4.7mm