●メーカー名:カスタムアクセス / CustomAcces ●商品名:Spares Mono Seat Black | BR0001N
●備考 Article Number : BR0001N EAN Code : 8436579710118
Spares Mono Seat The saddle springs are susceptible parts that can deteriorate over time, for the weight to which they are exposed to or for any mishaps suffered during the ride. Therefore, Customacces has a variety of spare parts available, so that you can enjoy your seat as if it was brand new.
●メーカー名:カスタムアクセス / CustomAcces
●商品名:Spares Mono Seat Black | BR0001N
Article Number : BR0001N
EAN Code : 8436579710118
Spares Mono Seat
The saddle springs are susceptible parts that can deteriorate over time, for the weight to which they are exposed to or for any mishaps suffered during the ride. Therefore, Customacces has a variety of spare parts available, so that you can enjoy your seat as if it was brand new.
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