It is usable as the groundwork that is indispensable to decoration that I use the masking tape made of the Japanese paper with the translucency that is indispensable on the groundwork of the masking tape decoration. Product specifications and others ● color of mt M tea duck well processed paper MTCALI01: White ● size 50mm *20mHow to order in shopping cart
マスキングテープ装飾の下地には欠かせない透け感のある和紙でできたマスキングテープを使っての装飾に欠かせない下地として使えます。mt エムティー カモ井加工紙 MTCALI01 の商品スペックその他 ●色:白 ●サイズ50mm×20m
It is usable as the groundwork that is indispensable to decoration that I use the masking tape made of the Japanese paper with the translucency that is indispensable on the groundwork of the masking tape decoration. Product specifications and others ● color of mt M tea duck well processed paper MTCALI01: White ● size 50mm *20mHow to order in shopping cart