アルコール度数 9.0% SANGRIA MAR & SOL ガルナッチャ品種とカリニェナ品種のベースワインの香りと味を感じさせる、甘く豊かな香りをもつサングリア。 砂糖と100%天然のシトラスエキス、シナモンなどのスパイスで造られています。 Sweet and aromatic drink that brings to our senses the aroma and taste of the base wine of the Garnacha and Carinena varieties with which it is elaborated. Made with sugar, 100% natural citrus extracts and spices.
SANGRIA MAR & SOL ガルナッチャ品種とカリニェナ品種のベースワインの香りと味を感じさせる、甘く豊かな香りをもつサングリア。
Sweet and aromatic drink that brings to our senses the aroma and taste of the base wine of the Garnacha and Carinena varieties with which it is elaborated. Made with sugar, 100% natural citrus extracts and spices.