アナと雪の女王2 エルサ エルサ 部屋 持ち運び お出かけ プレイセット おもちゃ グッズ Disney Frozen Pop Adventures Elsa's Bedroom Pop-Up Playset with Handle, Including Elsa Doll, Diary, Chair, & Blanket Accessories
Disney Frozen
Disney Frozen Pop Adventures Elsa's Bedroom Pop-Up Playset with Handle, Including Elsa Doll, Diary, Chair, & Blanket Accessories - Toy for Kids Ages 3 & Up
6.6 × 17.8 × 22.9
・Unlock a world inside: open up the pop adventures Playset to reveal Elsa's bedroom scene inspired by the Disney Frozen 2 movie ・Squishy material: the pop-up effect is delivered through the material of the Playset -- a soft plastic that collapses when the Playset is closed and rises when the Playset is opened ・Elsa small doll: This Disney Frozen 2 pop up Playset comes with an Elsa small doll to imagine scenes inside of her movie-inspired bedroom ・Bedroom accessories: The Playset comes with 4 accessories including a diary, chair, blanket, and Key for telling fun-filled Frozen stories ・Storage for accessories: Store the doll and accessories inside of the castle Playset for easy clean up after play time is over
アナと雪の女王2 エルサ エルサ 部屋 持ち運び お出かけ プレイセット おもちゃ グッズ Disney Frozen Pop Adventures Elsa's Bedroom Pop-Up Playset with Handle, Including Elsa Doll, Diary, Chair, & Blanket Accessories
アナと雪の女王2 エルサ エルサ 部屋 持ち運び お出かけ プレイセット おもちゃ グッズ Disney Frozen Pop Adventures Elsa's Bedroom Pop-Up Playset with Handle, Including Elsa Doll, Diary, Chair, & Blanket Accessories
・Squishy material: the pop-up effect is delivered through the material of the Playset -- a soft plastic that collapses when the Playset is closed and rises when the Playset is opened
・Elsa small doll: This Disney Frozen 2 pop up Playset comes with an Elsa small doll to imagine scenes inside of her movie-inspired bedroom
・Bedroom accessories: The Playset comes with 4 accessories including a diary, chair, blanket, and Key for telling fun-filled Frozen stories
・Storage for accessories: Store the doll and accessories inside of the castle Playset for easy clean up after play time is over
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