High-quality optics excellent support: The M Performance floor mats give the vehicle an individual athletic note in the foot area. With M Logo and M Performance lettering. A mounting in leather optics with a decorative seam in contrasting colors and a sewn tape in the M colors complete the high-quality appearance. Set / 4 pieces.
高品質の光学系、優れたサポート:Mパフォーマンスフロアマットは、車両に足のエリア内の個々の運動注意を与えます。 Mロゴ、Mパフォーマンスのレタリングと。高品質な外観を完了対照的な色で装飾シームとM色で縫い付けテープで革製の光学機器に取り付けます。 / 4枚セット。
商品コード : 51472457270 / 51 47 2 457 270
High-quality optics excellent support: The M Performance floor mats give the vehicle an individual athletic note in the foot area. With M Logo and M Performance lettering. A mounting in leather optics with a decorative seam in contrasting colors and a sewn tape in the M colors complete the high-quality appearance. Set / 4 pieces.