商品説明 Billet "Krome Kap Kit" includes insert and chrome caps which thread into the insert to serve as the actual gas caps. Includes one vented and one non-vented screw in type gas caps. Billet "Krome Kap Kit" features a uniquely designed insert which is permanently installed in the existing bung on bobbed tank sets. Inserts will prevent flaking around the filler neck or conceal existing damage to finish in this area. The chrome caps thread into this insert and act as the actual gas cap. 適合 FXST 1983-1995FLST 1986-1995 OEM - 商品内容 1-KIT madeinTAIWAN
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Billet "Krome Kap Kit" includes insert and chrome caps which thread into the insert to serve as the actual gas caps. Includes one vented and one non-vented screw in type gas caps. Billet "Krome Kap Kit" features a uniquely designed insert which is permanently installed in the existing bung on bobbed tank sets. Inserts will prevent flaking around the filler neck or conceal existing damage to finish in this area. The chrome caps thread into this insert and act as the actual gas cap.
FXST 1983-1995FLST 1986-1995