Size: 11.3x11.5x3cm Body weight: 0.15 kg Material, materials: PP aqueous color ink A country of origin: Japan It is the pen for the fabric article including a bag and the shirt. I can easily make the original fabric article which is hard to fall at washing and the laundry. 12 sets have Chaco pen and are more convenient. [characteristic] as use characteristic ○ aqueous color ink, do not smell unpleasant. ○ I am superior in water resistance, lightfastness. ○ As I am superior in concealment characteristics, it is bright even if I describe it in the cloth of the strong ground and pattern. ○ Washing and the dry cleaning are OK, too. ■An ink color: ■12 set black blue green yellow pink red orange light green light blue violet brown, Chaco pen (blue-collar)How to order in shopping cart
バッグやシャツなど布製品用のペンです。洗濯やクリーニングでも落ちにくい、オリジナル布製品が簡単に作れます。 12本セットにはチャコペンがついてさらに便利。特徴】特徴○ 水性顔料インクを使用しているので、嫌なにおいがありません。○ 耐水性、耐光性に優れています。○ 隠ぺい性に優れているので、濃地や柄の布に描いても鮮やかです。○ 洗濯やドライクリーニングもOK。■インクカラー:■12本セット ブラック・ブルー・グリーン・イエロー・ピンク・レッド・オレンジ・ライトグリーン・ライトブルー・バイオレット・ブラウン、チャコペン(ブルーカラー)
Size: 11.3x11.5x3cm
Body weight: 0.15 kg
Material, materials: PP aqueous color ink
A country of origin: Japan
It is the pen for the fabric article including a bag and the shirt. I can easily make the original fabric article which is hard to fall at washing and the laundry. 12 sets have Chaco pen and are more convenient. [characteristic] as use characteristic ○ aqueous color ink, do not smell unpleasant. ○ I am superior in water resistance, lightfastness. ○ As I am superior in concealment characteristics, it is bright even if I describe it in the cloth of the strong ground and pattern. ○ Washing and the dry cleaning are OK, too. ■An ink color: ■12 set black blue green yellow pink red orange light green light blue violet brown, Chaco pen (blue-collar)How to order in shopping cart