【■ENGLISH(*^▽^*) 】 Combined Flower extract from Beppu hot spring. This is Bath additive, contained wealthy natural mineral.
■This is the method from Edo era in Japan. We made Yunohana, glowing over a period of several months in cabin of Yunohana at Beppu hot spring in 0ita prefecture to extract. You can enjoy feeling and efficacy of hot spring at your house. (your skin will be slippery or smooth.)
■{Efficacy] poor circulation, dry skin, neuralgia, arthritis, chilblains, crack, the chap, a bruise, sprains, shoulder rest, low back pain, hemorrhoid, heat rash, eczema, a pimple, fatigue recovery, before and after childbirth of poor circulation.
★How to use 1 At bathtub ・Put in young venus 80g at bathtub 200g and enjoy it in the whole body. ・Adjust temperature of hot water as you like. ★How to use 2 At footbath ・Put in young venus about 30g to the facepiece, best amount of hot water is much ankle is hidden.・temperature of hot water 42 degrees ・about 20 minutes, you will be blurred sweat gradually.
Recommend for people like this
■people really tired everyday ■for people when you wake up, not clean and wake up a lot at the night time. ■unscented ■used not only at Japan, but France, China, Korea, Iran as well.
This is not including sulfur but weak alkaline. So you don’t need worry about to hurt your Bath heater. washing hair and using the remaining hot water is okay as well.It doesn’t attach smell and color. ◆名称 ヤングビーナスにごり湯
◆名称 ヤングビーナスにごり湯
◆原材料名 セスキ炭酸Na*、ホウ酸*、酸化チタン、別府温泉精製湯の花エキス、加水分解カゼイン液、ポリアクリル酸Na、ポリアクリル酸、ベントナイト、香料、黄202号(1)、精製水
◆ご使用法 浴湯180リットルに対し、約20g~80gを溶かして入浴して下さい。
◆効能効果 冷え症・荒れ性・神経痛・リウマチ・しもやけ・ひび・あかぎれ・うちみ・くじき・肩のこり・腰痛・痔・あせも・しっしん・疲労回復・産前産後の冷え症・にきび
◆商品説明 大分県 別府・明礬(みょうばん)温泉の湯の花は、江戸時代から続く湯の花小屋による伝統技法により栽培されています。
◆保存方法 幼小児の手の届く所や高温多湿の場所には置かないでください。
◆商品区分 医薬部外品
◆製造者 ヤングビーナス薬品工業株式会社
◆販売者 大一商事株式会社
〒010-0041 秋田市広面字樋の下12-2
TEL 018-835-8051
FAX 018-832-8388(24時間)
【■お探しキーワード(*^▽^*) 】
別府温泉 大分県別府 湯の花 湯ノ花 湯花 湯ノ花エキス 湯の花エキス 湯花 天然 自然派志向 赤ちゃん入浴 乾燥肌 カサカサ肌 かさかさ肌 温泉水 温泉浴 24時間風呂 ヤングビーナス 明礬の花 明礬の花姉妹品 やんぐびーなす 入浴剤 ヤングビーナス薬品工業 温泉 別府八湯 明礬泉 おんせん 明礬温泉 明礬 みょうばん にゅうよくざい べっぷおんせん ゆのはな やんぐびいなす ヤングビイナス 冷え性 あせも しっしん リウマチ 腰痛 石鹸 ヤングビナス 通販生活 明礬の華 ビーナス1 β ヤングビーナスベータ
【■ENGLISH(*^▽^*) 】
Combined Flower extract from Beppu hot spring.
This is Bath additive, contained wealthy natural mineral.
■This is the method from Edo era in Japan.
We made Yunohana, glowing over a period of several months in cabin of Yunohana at Beppu hot spring in 0ita prefecture to extract.
You can enjoy feeling and efficacy of hot spring at your house. (your skin will be slippery or smooth.)
poor circulation, dry skin, neuralgia, arthritis, chilblains, crack, the chap, a bruise, sprains, shoulder rest, low back pain, hemorrhoid, heat rash, eczema, a pimple, fatigue recovery, before and after childbirth of poor circulation.
★How to use 1
At bathtub
・Put in young venus 80g at bathtub 200g and enjoy it in the whole body.
・Adjust temperature of hot water as you like.
★How to use 2
At footbath
・Put in young venus about 30g to the facepiece, best amount of hot water is much ankle is hidden.・temperature of hot water 42 degrees
・about 20 minutes, you will be blurred sweat gradually.
Recommend for people like this
■people really tired everyday
■for people when you wake up, not clean and wake up a lot at the night time.
■used not only at Japan, but France, China, Korea, Iran as well.
This is not including sulfur but weak alkaline. So you don’t need worry about to hurt your Bath heater.
washing hair and using the remaining hot water is okay as well.It doesn’t attach smell and color.
◆名称 ヤングビーナスにごり湯