Served alongside the 2014 vintage, the 2012 Chablis 1er Cru Montée de Tonnerre is also showing very well indeed, offering up a riper bouquet of fresh peach, green apple, beeswax and oyster liquor that's also framed by a light touch of reduction and reveals a very delicate touch of recently used oak influence. On the palate, the wine is medium to full-bodied, broad and satiny, with more amplitude and flesh, with a deep, concentrated core. While it's balanced by racy acids, this is broader shouldered a more powerful than the 2014 but can't match the latter's tension and precision. Jean-Marie Raveneau observed that spring frosts and July hail reduced the crop by some 40% and that the berries were small and concentrated, comparing the wines to the domaine's superb 1986 vintage. (End of March 2019, The Wine Advocate, 30th Mar 2019)
Francois Raveneau
Chablis 1er Cru Montee de Tonnerre
予想される飲み頃:2022 - 2045
Served alongside the 2014 vintage, the 2012 Chablis 1er Cru Montée de Tonnerre is also showing very well indeed, offering up a riper bouquet of fresh peach, green apple, beeswax and oyster liquor that's also framed by a light touch of reduction and reveals a very delicate touch of recently used oak influence. On the palate, the wine is medium to full-bodied, broad and satiny, with more amplitude and flesh, with a deep, concentrated core. While it's balanced by racy acids, this is broader shouldered a more powerful than the 2014 but can't match the latter's tension and precision. Jean-Marie Raveneau observed that spring frosts and July hail reduced the crop by some 40% and that the berries were small and concentrated, comparing the wines to the domaine's superb 1986 vintage.
(End of March 2019, The Wine Advocate, 30th Mar 2019)
フランソワ ラヴノー
Francois Raveneau
シャブリで最も崇高で、最も有名なドメーヌ・ラヴノーのワインは稀少な存在です。 7ヘクタールのブドウ畑を持ち、3つのグラン・クリュ(レ・クロ、ブランショ、ヴァルミュール)と6つのプルミエ・クリュ(モンテ・ド・トネル、レ・ヴァイヨン、フォレ、モンマン、ビュトー、シャペロ)から、素晴らしいワインを生産しています。
このドメーヌは1948年にフランソワ・ラヴノーが妻の家族が所有していたブドウ畑の区画を自分の所有地に統合した時に設立されました。 現在、フランソワの息子であるベルナールとジャン・マリーがドメーヌを指揮していますが、畑とセラーの両方において父の哲学に忠実にワイン造りを行っています。
非常に低い収量と細心のワイン造りの技術が、これらのワインをこれほどまでに高く評価されるものにしています。ピュアでキレのあるミネラル感と豊かな蜂蜜のような果実味で知られており、 熟成させる価値があることでも知られています。生産量が非常に少なく稀少性の高いラヴノーのワインは非常に優れた品質で世界中の愛飲家から探し求められています。
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